马达、 内存卡、 电源,机器人备件等)各类工控产品
GE:IC693 IC695 IC697系列
Schneider(施耐德):140 TSX 系列
Siemens 6DD,6FC,6SN,6FC,6S5系列,Foxboro系统卡件,
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-D23022 Minotaur MSR7R Series a Guardmaster
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-DG2R2T Guardmaster GSR Dg Safety Relay A101
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-DG2R2T Safety Relay GSR Dg Ser A 417415
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-DG2R2T Safety Relay Guardmaster GSR Dg A101
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-EM4R2D Relay GSR EMD Pn 114866 Series A 202
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-EM4R2D Relay GSR EMD Pn 114866 Series A203
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-G23216 M Guardmaster Safety Relay MSR142RTP
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-L23047 Guardmaster Minotaur MSR14T Series A
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-M23143 Guardmaster Safety Relay MSR138DP B
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-M23148 Guardmaster MSR138DP B Safety Relay
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-M23204 Minotaur MSR38DP Series A 24 V Dc 3 W
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-N23048 Safety Relay MSR15D Guardmaster
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-N23059 Guardmaster Safety Relay Msr16r/T A
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-N23120 M Guardmaster Safety Relay MSR126.1R
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-N23135 M Guardmaster Safety Relay MSR127RP
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 440R-N23198 M Guardmaster Safety Relay MSR30RTP
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais 700S-CF620EJC Safety Relay Complete Device 24VDC
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais Guardmaster MSR125HP 440R-D23171 Safety Relay
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais MSR131RTP Safety Relay 440R-C23139M Guardmaster
Allen-Bradley Safety Relais MSR144RTP Safety Relay 440R-C23205M Series A
Allen-Bradley Safety Switches 15.5oz-MT Safety Interlock Switch 24V AC/Dc
Allen-Bradley Safety Switches 15.5oz-MT Safety Interlock Switch 24V AC/Dc
Allen-Bradley Safety Switches 15.5oz-MT Safety Switch 110V AC/Dc 3 N C 1 O
Allen-Bradley Safety Switches 15.5oz-MT47039 Safety Interlock Switch 15.5oz-MT A
Allen-Bradley Safety Switches 15.5oz-T27121 Safety Switch PN-41389 TLS1-GD2
Allen-Bradley Safety Switches 15.5oz-T27123 Safety Interlock Switch TLS1-GD2
Allen-Bradley Sensor Button 800Z-GP3Q4 Touch Button 800Z-GP3 Fw 1.23 C PN-52451
Allen-Bradley Sensor Photoelectric 42GRL-9000-QD Photoswitch Trans Beam 148501
Allen-Bradley Sensor Photoelectric 42GRL-9000-QD Photoswitch Trans Beam 148501
Allen-Bradley Separating Switch 194E-A100-1753 Disconnect + 194E-A100-NP S.B
Allen-Bradley Separating Switch 194E-A100-1753 Disconnect Ser. B 100 A 690 V
Allen-Bradley Separating Switch 194R-J200-1753 Disconnect Series A J200A 600V
Allen-Bradley Servo Motor MPL-B430P-SK74AA Motor Pn 12227 Ser. A Overhauled
Allen-Bradley Sicherheitsrelay 440R-M23057 Guardmaster Minotaur MSR15D 24V AC/
Allen-Bradley Sicherheitssteuergerät 440F-C28011 MatManager Matguard Series C
Allen-Bradley Speed-Controlled Drive 160-BA02NPS1P1 Speed Drive S.B FRN6.00
Allen-Bradley Terminal Module 1794-TB3S Base 16 I/O 92415271 Ser A Rev A01
Allen-Bradley Thermocouple 96164273 Thermocuple Module 1794-IT8 Damaged
Allen-Bradley Thermocouple 96164275 Thermocouple Module 1794-IT8 Ser A Rev A01
Allen-Bradley Thermocouple 96164277 Thermocouple Module 1794-IT8 Ser A F/W K
Allen-Bradley Thermocouple 96164277 Thermocouple Module 1794-IT8 Ser A Rev.A02
Amphenol Crimp Pliers TA0100146 Crimping Tool Yellow Pressing Tongs 0,14 -0, 5
AMT Measure Card PME-30 Measuring Card PME Sc 090296 000359 Standardverstärkung
APC Network Server Smart-Ups 750VA Rack Mount SUA750RMI2U USB RM 2U 230V
Apex Bus Module Pad-250/K Pdnetip Loader V.2.2 Rev.03 PAD-250K
Apex Bus Module PAD-5035/Kr Loader V.2.7 PAD-5035/Kr Rev.03
Apex Control Unit Pad-5035e/L Pdnetip-Controller Modbus Icos Rev.02 PAD-5035
Apex Funktionsbausteine Pdnet-Controller Pad-5035/K Bus 010102041 PAD5035 Rev
Apex Funktionsbausteine Pdnet-Controller Pad-5035e/T Loader386 20102040 Rev.02
Apex Servo Controller STM12 Drive No. : 960900 Rev.03h / 09 Unit
APROTECH Panel- And Box-Pc Golub 525 Bnr. 250640 8-25VDC 60W Windows 7 Pro OA
APT Vernon Buffer PUFFER01-PMD for Leak Detector PMD01 24V 2A Buffer
APT Vernon Buffer PUFFER03-PMD for Leak Detector PMD01 24V 2A Buffer
APT Vernon Leak Detector PMD02-CF Lecktestgerät 110-230V
Arburg Analogkarte SN 174.120 A Analog Card Module Stand 002 Selogica Card
Arburg Circuit Board 796 Sn 196.975 A Sn 196.973 V.01 196975
Arburg Circuit Board ARB654 Sn 116.761A 005776 Stand 002
Arburg Circuit Board ARB664 PC Sn 117211 Platine 117212 Unit
Arburg Circuit Board ARB757 165.211A V.04 + ARB763 168.068A V.03
Arburg Circuit Board ARB757 SN165.211A Control Card 165.210 V.01
Arburg Control Board 566 CPU Card Module 97868 V.00 SN120.984A Stand 010
Arburg Control Card 74B-8212 Module Plug-In Bauzustand 1
Arburg Control Card 790 SN 188.463 A Circuit Board 188.462 V.00
Arburg Control Card ARB767 Module Sn 171.261 V.01 Platine
Arburg Control Card ARB922 Module V.01 Mat 356.866 Platine
Arburg Control Unit 696 Cpl. Sn. Multronica Card 01054 Control Board
Arburg CPU Module ARB 709 SN 142.811 Sn 129.856 V.04 + A09 CPU Card
Arburg Diagnosekarte ARB695 Circuit Board Sn 126.106 V.02 FG-ML2 4898
Arburg Diagnosekarte SN 171.758 A Card Selogica Stand 005 Serrefine Damaged
Arburg Diagnosekarte SN 171.758 A Card Selogica Stand 005 SN 126.106 V.02
Arburg Flacheingabetastatur ARB667 Input Keypad Sn 126.236A Eingangstaster
Arburg Flacheingabetastatur SN126259 Input Keypad 298.00.104 ARB667+SN123497
Arburg Flacheingabetastatur SN177885 Input Keypad 001178
Arburg Input/Output Card 121.682 v.02 Module 121.683 A
Arburg Keypad SN159.851 Panel Keyboard 159851
Arburg Leistungsbusplatine Arb 665 Power Bus Board SN 150.369 A Sn 116753 V.01
Arburg Platine SN180.834A Platine ARB712 SN131.095 Control Unit
Arburg Plug-In ARB770 Plug - IN Card Control Board Sn 174.119 v.82
Arburg Power Distribution Board SN 153.329 A Card 745 Stand 005
Arburg Power Supply 120554 Gebrüder Free Geräte-nr. 149501-64001
Arburg Relay Card 657 Control Board SN 116.764 A Circuit Board
Arburg Relay Card 658 SN 116.765 A Arb 658 116765 Circuit Board
Arburg Relay Card 662 Sn 138.245 A Arb 662 138245 Circuit Board
Arburg Temperaturkarte SN115.245 Temperature Card V1.0 Bauzustand 1 115245
Arburg Verteilerkarte ARB 778 Distribution Card Sn SN185.292 V.04 Module
Artis Marposs Operator Panel Compact Unit 6 TPU-6.1 Touch Operating Terminal
Artis Panel Tool Monitor Stm 2 Operator Control V 1.02 Software Version 2.05
Asco Numatics Pressure Regulation Valve 21670.8oz001103 Sentronic
Asymtek A-201D S/N 011066B
ASYS Automatisierungssysteme Elrest Panel Operating Terminal
ATB Electric Motor 56 Rbf0.09/4-71r With Angle Gear Spörk Rmi 40-0.07/4-56B14
ATB RGM Three-Phase Lf 56/4b-11 Three-Phase Motor Design IN 56 Käfigläufer
ATB Weishaupt Electric Motor Corner 05/A-2 652120 0,42kW 28880U/Min
Atlanta Transmission 5223141 Gearbox 1,5kW 1500UpM Drive 1:1 Gear 3-Wege
Atlas Copco Control Unit QCS2-T 34015 4240 0369 81 Assembly Systems
Atlas Copco Helicopter Control Ebl re-Drive 8431017075 Screwdriver Controller
Atlas Copco Regulator TC52S-N Power Macs 4231 5050 81 Controller Module TC 52S-N
Atlas Copco Regulator TC52S-N-TT Power Macs 4231 5050 81 Controller TC 52S-N-TT
Atlas Copco Servo Controller 3hab8101-3/08d Drive Unit DSQC345C Motorenantrieb
Atlas Copco Servo Controller DMC32050P Digital Motion Drive 20A 3PH
Atos Digital Electronic Driver E-BM-AS-PS-05H 11
Atos E-BM-AS Digital Electric Driver for Proportionalventile E-BM-AS-PS-05H 11
ATR Industrie-Elektronik Platine 101-932-033 Fast-Logic-Interface Pancon YE 6
Automata Bba Smart Control System D-6070-001-1 Nail 942349 Version 148 2.0 Unit
Automata I/O Module 6000100880 (2800051301) Vme 16 Dig I/O Damaged
Automata I/O Module 6000100880 Vme 16 Dig I/O Digital I/O 0321000081
Automata I/O Module 6000100890 (2800051801) Vme Digital I/O 0341000041
Automata Thermo Control 70062100 86002359 Sandretto Smart Control System
Aventics Pressure Regulation Valve 5610141500 Control Series ED05 11 BAR
Aventics Pressure Regulation Valve 5610141500 Control Series ED05 11 BAR Chairs
Aviteq Kleinförderantrieb Kr - 2 Compact Feeder Drive 230V 50Hz KR-2 620 00 703
B+B Automations- And Control Technology Mot4_3 Motor Controller BBK
Bachmann Battenfeld Control Card AIO 500 2585/00 Plc Module Unilog Stcd 2040
Bachmann Battenfeld Control Card B 8776/00 Mem 501/S Plc Module Unilog
Bachmann Battenfeld Control Card B2526/00 Plc Module Unilog VID500 BC22
Bachmann Battenfeld Control Card vid 500/S B 6802/00 Plc Module Unilog
Bachmann Battenfeld Control Card vid 500/S B 6802/00 Plc Module Unilog Card
Bachmann Battenfeld Officeserv B 6047/00 Cc 11/4 Plc Module Unilog
Bachmann Battenfeld Officeserv cc 11/4 B 6047/00 Module Unilog Stcd AC
Bachmann Battenfeld Officeserv cc 11/4 B 6047/00 Module Unilog Stcd C0E0
Bachmann Battenfeld Officeserv cc 11/4 B 6047/00 Plc Module Unilog
Bachmann Battenfeld Officeserv Unilog STU 500 Processor Card 4749/00
Bachmann Battenfeld Officeserv Unilog Stu 500/S Processor Card B 06448/03
Bachmann Battenfeld Officeserv Unilog Stu 500/U Processor Card 2623/00
Bachmann Battenfeld PVV100 B2537/00 Valve Timing Valve Control 2537
- FANUC编码器A860-0372-T001物优价廉 2024-12-26
- SICK传感器WL140-2P135S04物优价廉 2024-12-26
- GE模块IC697MDL940物优价廉 2024-12-26
- GE模块IC697MDL241物优价廉 2024-12-26
- AB模块1756-IF16/A物优价廉 2024-12-26
- GE模块IC200CPU001-MK物优价廉 2024-12-26
- SCHNEIDER模块TSX3721001物优价廉 2024-12-26
- HEIDENHAIN光栅尺249870-08 2024-12-26
- NEC操作屏NL6448BC33-53 2024-12-26
- SIEMENS板卡SMP-E224 C8451-A12-A76 2024-12-26
- SCHNEIDER模块TSXDSZ08R5 2024-12-26
- NI板卡PCI-8431/8 2024-12-26
- GF电导率电极3-8850.401-1 2024-12-26
- SIEMENS继电器46MT20F 2024-12-26
- SANYO电机P50B03003DCSAT 2024-12-26
- 电 话:15960122459
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